Saturday, April 11, 2015

Days of Life 9 &10: Baby Planks and visitors

Oh boy have I been all about progress over the last few days!  I am now up to 2lbs and 11oz,  That's 3 oz over my birth weight. I've also grown about a half inch!  It's mostly due to my new feeding and protein regimen.  I have been steadily increasing each shift by 2 cc's and am now up to 19ccs! They also supplement my mom's breastmilk with something called Prolacta. This is a human milk derived protein supplement that gives me extra calories so I can make a break from this joint eventually.  The Banner NICU has just started using Prolacta and has great success at keeping us young preemies from getting too much gas in our bellies.  All this hard work digesting for the first time wears me out!

Baby Planking

One thing you might notice are my big feet.  Babies with Turner Syndrome often have edema in their limbs, but I only have it in my smurf feet. 

My eyes are open sometimes now when it's dark, and while I can't figure out who any of these fuzzy blobs are, I can often lock eyes with my Daddy.  He's the bees knees.

Hello world!

 I get lots of visitors from my mom's perinatolgists and nurses that helped with my 48+ hour delivery.    I'm somewhat of a famous baby here because of what was expected and how fast I'm progressing.

Dr. Cedars was mommy's doctor that made the decision to induce labor.  Even he was  on the fence about having me arrive early.
 I had another kangaroo care today.  I'm pretty sure mom is hooked.  We took our first selfie together today.  I must say I'm looking pretty cute!

Uncle Dwight and Aunt Lisa came to visit today, but I was tuckered out from Kangaroo Care so I slept the whole time.

The doctors said if I am real strong, I may not need my oxygen or PICC line tomorrow! Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This reduced me to tears. How brave you three are! How blessed you are to have the expert professionals at your side during your time of need. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and your miracle, Malala. God bless and continue to fortify you. Isaiah 41:10
