Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day of Life 29: Graduation Day!

Today was a really big day for me:

First off, I got to wear clothes.  Now, I hate clothes.  It makes it harder and longer for Mom, Dad, and my nursing staff to change my diaper and do all my most annoying cares, like the temperature and the blood pressure cuff.  However, grandma's all around the country reading this blog can now rest assured that this baby is not naked all the time.  For some reason every grandma hates it when babies don't wear clothes.  Even if they're being kept warm in an incubator, grandma's just want to put pants on a kid.

So here is a fashion show of my very first outfit, courtesy of Grandma Bond:

I do look pretty darn cute.

Eat your heart out boys!

Rest assured Grandmas, I have clothes on now.
My butt even has ruffles on it.

The other huge new is that I got a new bed today!!!  I said good-bye to my first home outside of mom's tummy: the giraffe isolette I was put into immediately after delivery.  Now I can sleep in an open air bassinet like a big girl!  Nurse Lindsey lobbied for me to go into a bassinet because I am almost 4 lbs and the docs said yes!

Good-bye giraffe.  Thanks for keeping me warm and safe!

This is my new home.  It has a much better view and my parents can pick me up whenever they like!

Now I am one step closer to breaking out of this joint!  But the nurses and Occupational Therapist Lisa cautioned Mommy that I still need to make sure my eyes are protected, and that I get good sleep.  My brain is still very fragile and in order for me to develop without sensory issues, I need to have good REM sleep, and be stress-free.  My parents have been great at containing me and listening to all the recommendations on how to touch, hold, and talk to me so I'm sure they will be really diligent about protecting me in the bassinet.  
I really like my new home, but now my parents have to protect my sleep so I am still on track to develop.  I need lots of REM sleep at this stage.

Even my night nurse, Benjamin was impressed with my progress!

This is my night primary nurse, Benjamin and Daddy performing my 9pm cares.  

Daddy hates it when I'm called a princess, but two guys cleaning your diaper and making sure I get my exercises, and fed seems a bit princess-like to me!

All in all it was a GREAT DAY

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