Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day of Life 20 My Binky and Me.


I have graduated to a big orange pacifier.  I really really really like my pacifier. In fact, at this age using it is the only thing that I can do to soothe myself.  Otherwise, I need mom and dad's help, or one of my devoted nurses.  I have two favorite, and now primary nurses.  My day nurse is Lindsey and my night nurse is Ben.  They both love me and it makes mom and dad feel so much better when they are on shift. 

Me and my best friend, Binky
I thought I'd post a few videos so you can see that I actually do move. I'm rooting around and moving my head a lot, which they all say is a good sign that I can start a bottle and breastfeed soon. 

The weekend nurses were all about Mom getting to hold me a lot more instead of just Kangaroo Care now.  She sometimes hold me during feeds or can re position me if I get fussy.
My noggin has gain a cm in circumference!

Mom was holding me after feeding and decided I needed an extreme close up of my eyes opening. 

I am doing pretty well, just a- growin!  My new weight is 3lbs 6oz!

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