Thursday, May 12, 2016

I Like to Move it Move it.

Since my last post of sitting up and rolling over I am now mobile!

Around Valentine’s Day my Tias Wendy and Emily came to visit.  Emily brought Cara, who is a month older than me, but boy could she move!  She crawled around like nobody’s business and it made me very jealous.  I decided that barrel rolling from side to side was no way to get around.
Looking up to Cara.

I look so juvenile rolling.

Around the end of February I had an army crawl down.  This helped me get to block towers that I had to knock down or to Mom and Dad if they tried to get away from me. 

  It was very exhausting, but no matter how hard my mom tried to get me to crawl on my hands and knees, I wouldn’t do it.  Even Mom, Dad, and Dolores got down on the floor and started crawling to show me how to do it. It’s not like I didn’t know, I just didn’t have very good balance.

Eventually I decided that I needed to get to stuff faster than Mom and Dad expected me to get to, like outlets, coffee tables, glasses of water, important bills and documents, keys, makeup, and the edge of the bed.  This was my ultimate motivation in shedding the slow army crawl for the big girl hands and knees crawl. 

Now I am motoring all over the place and my parents have to baby proof our home, which is the safe thing to do but a never-ending process apparently.  They keep forgetting stuff, so I make sure to point it out to them by being really excited about pulling stuff off shelves and putting everything in my mouth!

I’ve had other Milestones since my last post that I think you’ll enjoy:

I got my helmet off. Am I cute or what?
Valentine's Day 2016

I blazed through month 11.
The chalk never lasts long

I tried out facial hair.

I mustache you a question.

Villain Malala

Mom and Dad took me to their favorite hobby, hiking.  

I can't understand why they are so tired after hiking.

I tried swim lessons.
Looking the part.
I'm ready for the Olympics.  As long as Mom holds me.

I can pull up on furniture.  I decided to do this TOTALLY out of the blue.
No practice necessary.

Next up WALKING!