Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day of life 19: 32 weeks today

I'm baaaack!

Today marks what would have been mom's 32 week of pregnancy.  This was the date we were shooting for because my lungs likely would have been fully developed.  Since I'm a baby banshee, I think we did okay at 29 weeks.  Mom and I miss going everywhere together, and she often says she feels like she was robbed of 11 weeks of pregnant bliss, but we're getting used to life in the NICU.  There are so many smaller babies than me, it really is miraculous how soon they can deliver a baby.  Some of my neighbors are only 23 weeks old!
Chilling in my home.
 I've gotten a lot of fan mail requesting something for scale.  Every one that comes and sees me is surprised at how small I am.  There's not much that can go in my isolette, but dad is holding up this aquafina water bottle next to me.  I'm about a baby head taller than this bottle.
I prefer tap water, but we had to have something for scale!
I'm doing pretty good in here.  I've grown to 3lbs 4 oz and am now getting vitamin supplements! They say most babies can learn how to breastfeed starting in week 32.  That's going to be what mom and I work on next!


  1. Malala, you are so amazing and beautiful! Love to you and mom and dad!

  2. Love! Can't wait to see the comparison picture when you're holding that bottle!
