Friday, February 5, 2016

The adorableness that is me at 10 months

After a long hiatus from posting I thought it was time to drop an unconscionably adorable bomb on my followers:

Mom tried showing me how to clap earlier in the week and I just kind of stared at her in amazement.  She is pretty awesome but I had no idea she could coordinate her hands to hit each other and make a sound.  She really is talented, that one.  After a day of her showing me this trick, I tried to mimic it, but I mostly just gave myself near miss fist bumps.  After another day I got them to connect, but my left hand betrayed me by being in fist form only.  Then the magic happened.  I was so proud of myself that I had to show Mom and lifted my long-withstanding ban on tummy time.  

This last month has been exhausting.  With the New Year I made a resolution to work out more and get my baby muscles into shape in time for my first birthday.  I've been hitting goal after goal on development.  Here are some highlights.

  I can sit up like a boss:

Me with the most shrill and annoying toy of all time.  Thanks Grammy.

I joined a book club:
War and Peace is next on my reading list.
And I decided to try some new hobbies:
Good thing I've got this protective head gear.

And I don't want to brag but I am now a member of the 1%...
In weight.  I'm on the chart  BABY!

I'll have Mom do a back-post recap of months 7-9 because I've very tired after all of this hard work.  Stay tuned because there's bound to be a crawling video in the next few weeks.


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