Wednesday, October 21, 2015

6 month update

Time is flying by faster than my little tiny fingers can keep up.  Every time I want to report on a new month, it seems like the next one has crept up on me.  Since I am not yet creeping, I’m getting lapped. 

My photographer (minion 1) and I

On the week before I turn 7 months, I want you to be aware of my slew of milestones, in the order of Mom’s favorite.

Partying cause it was month #5

And now I'm very tired

5. Tonight marks my tenure in the new world
As of 6:43PM TONIGHT, I will have existed longer in this outside world than in Mom’s womb.  Seems too soon right?  That’s what happens when you’re born at 7 months. Mom does get the benefit of not having gotten really big though in months 8 &9, but she’s weirdly sentimental at having been pregnant so we’ll just quietly mention this milestone and move on.

6 months was just kind of blah

 4.  Outgrowing newborn sizes
This is not mom’s favorite because my tiniest outfits are just so darn cute.  It was great to graduate to from preemie to newborn size, but now Mom feels I am getting carried away despite the fact that I am 6 months old and just now fitting into 3 month sizes without looking like I’m wearing Dad’s t-shirt. 

Speaking of sizes.
I graduated to size 1 diapers month.  This would be fantastic if Mom wouldn’t have cornered the market on newborn diapers when we signed up for Amazon Mom.  Who knew there would be a lag in when the order was fulfilled and when it arrivest?  We actually got a delivery of 5 cases of newborn diapers in one week.  This was around the time that I was a poo factory so it seemed like they’d get used.  They finally gave up with one case left, and I’m glad because I was getting SQUEEZED into those stupid things.  Sheer physics of squeezed baby and too small diaper dictated the graduation to size 1.

aunt tabby's ballerina size 3 months
My last time in newborn size (I wore this when I came home)
Mom calls this "adorable anger"

3.  My abs are sore
It all started with Mom holding on to my hands and me tugging at them.  I got the taste of sitting up and I can't go back.  The first days, I grunted like an Olympian weight lifter when Mom offered me her hands and tugged.  Then, within a week I was trying to do it on my own.  After another week, I cried when she laid me down instead of sitting me in her lap.  This is probably Dad’s favorite milestone because it means I’ll sit in his lap contently while he watches football games or Netflix.  Mom says I’m just like my Daddy because when a football game is on, she can’t get either one of our attention. 

No mom, I'm going to sit up like a MFing adult.

2.  Keep Calm and SMILE On
So not only has occupational therapy helped me calm down, but with this new-found zen, I actually smile quite a bit when I wake up.  One of the ways to melt Mom’s heart is to throw her one of my charming gummy grins when she peeks over the crib.  She seems to like this much better than when I scream in her face first thing in the morning.  Dad likes to snuggle with me in the happy morning too.  At this rate, if I keep smiling, and learn to say the words, “Can I have a pony?” I’ll have him completely wrapped around my tiny drool-covered fingers.
Charmed, I'm sure.

Hard to see but this is me waking up.

I also like to drool everywhere
Me and my human transporter (minion 2)
1.  Chunks of sleep*
No I’m not sleeping completely through the night (and Mom throws some mean eye daggers when asked this question), BUT with the purchase of the miraculous sleep sack, I will go up to 5 hours before chugging a bottle and laying right back down.  This allows mom and dad to both get a decent chunk of sleep.  Each of them get up once during the night to cater to my every need.  They seem far less sleepy than when I did my two hour sleeping bits.  You’re welcome.

Back is best, but tummy makes for better naps.

snuggle time

*since publication of this blog post, I’ve decided that I’ve been much too generous with Mom’s favorite milestone.  As I start to teethe, I’ve made an effort to regress to waking up every couple of hours.

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